This site is a wildlife art and photography page, featuring a varied range of species and pieces. © Aláine Ní Laoí
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
'Ireland's First'
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
A Wander on the Coast...
If you wish to express any interest in purchasing any of these photographs or any others on my blog please don't hesitate to enquire at
Sunday, 19 May 2013
Have you heard the one about the Kingfisher, the Mink and the Otter?
Velvet Feathered, Inky Eyed.
The African Vulture is an incredible raptor. Having had the pleasure of working with vultures I have a huge liking for the species and I am awestruck each time they spread their gargantuan wings and circle effortlessly.
Chiffchaff at Dawn
Monday, 8 April 2013
Disintegration by Urbanisation
Down Town.
Sunday, 10 March 2013
Light on Leaves.
Blue on Grey
Saturday, 2 March 2013
'The Fox Went Out on a Windy Night...'
This is a piece I've done of a red fox, a species that undoubtedly receives its fair share of persecution and occasional negative media stories. Despite this the red fox is a charismatic and rather handsome mammal to glimpse, even if you're one of those lucky people that get their bins raided! I can't deny spending several hours in countryside hedgerows in the hope of sighting one. Or standing in pitch darkness at an unreasonable hour listening to the screaches of a vixen.
Although many theories are proposed as to why foxes use loud barks like this, the theory I support is that it is used to locate dogs before hunting, as dogs bark and howl at the sound revealing their where abouts to the fox. I've heard on regular occasion dogs barking and howling wildly after a vixen's bark, especially at early dusk. This makes sense no doubt, as if the fox is venturing out to hunt at this time it is only lodgical to assume the fox could be checking the location of dogs.
I am filled with excitement when I'm awarded a glimpse of the cheeky vulpes and hope rare negative media stories don't provoke irrational culls or unnecessary persecution.